
アジア研究センター研究員およびインターナショナル教育・研究センターリサーチフェロー |
Impacts of Accommodation Sharing in Bangkok: A Comparative Study between Traditional Sharing and the Sharing Economy |
Transformation of Street Food Vending and Vendor's Life in Modernizing Bangkok, Thailand |
Design The Food Container for The Elderly |
The Propose Policy For Developing The Temporary Shelter Center For Emergency Disaster Victims In The Buddhist Temple Area |
Floor - plan enhancing visitors in permanent exhibition within the National Museum |
地域間産業連関表を用いた中国省別の水質源利用の実態把握 |
領土教育について The Study of Lessons on Territory and Territorial Issues |
Factors Contributing to the Students’ Academic Performance: A case of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and Meijo University, Japan |
Accelerating Open Innovation Business Model Design Compass |
Sustainable development and walkability in the urban context |
台日産業提携の発展と課題―東海地域からの視点を中心にして |
南アジア地域協力連合(SAARC)の研究 |
Research of the development of the Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry and Electronics Manufacturing Service. |
The Effects of the Forms of Subunits of the Structural Layers of Shock Absorption Pad on Attenuation of the Fall from Elderlies’ Slipping and Prevention of Hip Injuries in Elderlies |
Physical Environment Design Guideline in Bangkok Metropolitan’s Workplace Influencing Corporate Identity and User’s Perception |
Design Guidelines for Environmental Graphic for Enhancing the Wayfinding of Mass transit Stations in Bangkok |
Changes and Impacts of Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings to Converted Small Hotel Buildings in Bangkok |
Changes in social stratification among different generations of the urban poor and their housing process in Bangkok, Thailand articulating global economy |
Role of horticultural products and it's marketing on income generation projects in Nepal |
陸軍中将遠藤三郎と日中戦争-「遠藤日誌」を中心に-(Lieutenant General Saburo Endo and Japan-China War -Focusing on Endo's Diary-) |
Low carbon green growth strategies of the local governments of Japan and Korea preparing for the Post-2020 Climate Regime |
The Characteristics of Residential Areas and Housing Types in Urbanizing Process of Bangkok, Focusing on the Classification |
Study on Current Use of Water Resources of China Using Multi-Regional Input-Output Table for Water Resources Analysis |